Health requires trust and a sense of safety. Unfortunately, educational, legal, economic, and environmental injustices have undermined those essential needs and significantly harmed the health of communities of color. Study after study shows that Black and Brown people suffer much poorer health outcomes as a result of the biases and disparities in our society. Higher rates of stress-related illnesses, reduced access to health care, health care professionals who do not recognize their own implicit biases, racist ideas that have been passed down through health care education, and poorer levels of treatment than white people receive have all led to a general mistrust of health care systems and health care professionals.
The Health Committee seeks to reach out to people of color—to find out what they see as important for their health and then to serve as an advocate for their needs. We're working to build connections that will help spread accurate, useful information about COVID 19, and to collaborate with others committed to health equity. We also will work toward identifying and correcting implicit bias in the healthcare system, and to offer self-care workshops and other programs that will help improve the health of people of color in our community.
The Health Committee meets on the first Monday of the month at 7:30PM.
However, please check the full events list in case individual meetings have been rescheduled or canceled.
Health Committee projects:
⁃ Manchester Community Action Coalition (MCAC) Vaccine Confidence Campaign
Manchester NAACP
Manchester NAACP P.O. BOX 473 Manchester, NH 03105