Youth of color often suffer disparities in the quality of education they receive, preventing children from living up to their full potential, and perpetuating social, economic, and health inequities. Our Education Committee is working to address these challenges and ensure quality education for all.
- Improving the Manchester School District's treatment of people of color: We're actively working with a subcommittee of the Manchester Board of Schools to ensure that the Manchester School District's policies and procedures are non-discriminatory and fully support a fair and welcoming learning environment for youth of color. This work includes:
- Promoting staff diversity in all our schools
- Assisting parents in obtaining requested assistance from their children's schools
- Community Learning Collaborative: Our Community Learning Collaborative serves as a hub to help students of color and their parents best take advantage of the opportunities in the Manchester school district. The Collaborative provides both virtual, online resources and in-person assistance at the YWCA. It's also working to identify and fill gaps for parents, particularly those who experience language barriers. The program is focusing on students of color from grades 8 – 11 with a more complete education: one that includes the significant role Black and Brown people have played in our history and that inspires children to excel with the knowledge that they can have a major impact on our community and our country.
- Raising awareness of the online Manchester Proud Resource Center where families can find resources that will help students thrive.
- Encouraging visits to the Manchester School Resource Center at 148 Concord Street , Manchester.
See photos of the Manchester NAACP at the CelebratED MHT! 2021 festival. Also video of the Akwaaba Ensemble passing by and some cool characters hanging around the NAACP tent.